It’s always hard to know how the written word will be interpreted. In my last blog (see Monday’s “Unfinished Business”), I sounded way more down that I actually am. Thank you so much for your emails and concern. I really am OK! Life is good, but sometimes it’s good because of a good cry and some introspection, you know? Anyway, thanks for having my back. I really am doing well.
Now, on to some DVD giveaways. You can throw your name in the hat for any of them by leaving a comment or sending an email to I’ll draw the winners’ names on Saturday (April 2).
First up is my own copy of Leslie Sansone’s “Walk Away the Pounds Express: Walk Strong.” I love the concept of this video, but alas, my knees do not. I am an avid Walk Away the Pounds fan, but this one is difficult for me because it incorporates squats and lunges – something my poor arthritic knees can’t handle. But…for those of you who can do lunges and squats (or have the desire to find out if you can), this DVD is a comfortable way to integrate strength training into your cardio routine.
You’ll need a Thera-band or some other stretch band to do the workout (I broke the one that came with the DVD…long story). Otherwise, it’s just you and 30 minutes of your time. It’s a neat little workout.
Daughter Carlene is back with a review of “10 Minute Solutions: Rapid Results Fat Burner.”
Of all the workout DVDs I’ve reviewed so far, “10 Minute Solutions: Rapid Results Fat Burner” with Cat Chiarelli is my favorite.
Long, continuous workouts intimidate me. I like the idea of a light at the end of the tunnel, especially when that tunnel only takes 10 minutes! In this DVD, there are five different workouts that you can mix and match to your needs.
1. First up are the Power Sports Drills. These remind me of my former high school track days. The moves are simple, but be prepared for many squats and lunges. In fact, squats and lunges are pretty much the overall theme of the entire DVD.
2. Next are the Extreme Intervals. This was not my favorite section, but I suppose if you enjoy interval training, than this is the section for you. Chiarelli alternates between high and low intensity moves at 15 seconds a piece.
3. Next is the Low-Impact Fat Blaster. In this section, you’ll feel like you’re in a group aerobics class. The moves are classic, but a bit dancy in some places. We all know about my battle with coordination, so this, also, was not my favorite section.
4. In the Rapid Results Kickboxing section I found my perfect workout. What I like about kickboxing is that you don’t have to be a dancer or act sexy or have any coordination whatsoever. You simply have to kick and punch. And really, who doesn’t enjoy kicking and punching things, real or imaginary?
5. The last section is Cardio Max and it is pretty fun. However, make sure you have enough space in your living room to jump and flail your arms around. I had to modify some of the moves because of my lack of space.
This is one DVD I could easily do on a regular basis. Everyone has at least 10 minutes in their day to jump around or punch and kick, right? Have fun with it!
Cassie’s turn! As you know, she birthed her third baby 7 weeks ago (baby Maelie!). Cass is back at the gym, kicking butts and taking names. She’s reviewed “Prego-Fit and Fabulous: Yoga and Pilates Fusion Ball Workout (Any ball or pillow will do!).”
I'll start by saying I would’ve loved to have this DVD while pregnant because it was very calming. It was developed by Jillian Moriarty, a physical therapist who is, herself, pregnant.
The DVD is a blend of yoga and Pilates with a lot of stretching. I would most definitely say that any fitness level would benefit from this workout, as it's not super challenging. If you're in your postpartum stage, I'd recommend it for someone who didn't previously work out regularly or is just looking for a nice, gentle way back into shape. It'd be nice for the first few weeks back into working out, while all the ligaments are lax and heavy impact is still frowned upon.
I also thought it was great that it's appropriate for all trimesters of pregnancy, which is hard to find in a DVD. It eliminates anything that'd be contraindicated, such as laying flat or ab work with twisting motions. If you're going to invest money into a workout DVD during pregnancy, this is the kind you'd want. It's annoying that you'd have to buy two or three – one for each trimester.
Like I said, it's not extremely challenging. As someone who was actually on the treadmill the day I went into labor, I wouldn't say I'd do it again unless I'm looking for a way to relax, yet still get a physical benefit.
And for you ladies who aren't even pre- or post-natal, or pregnant at all, if you have any joint ailment, this is also for you. Because this DVD caters to women who are having weakened joints and relaxed ligaments, this is also perfect for those with painful joints. Just because you hurt, doesn't mean you shouldn't have a good workout!
All in all, this was a good DVD and I'd highly recommend it.
Lynn’s turn again. Leave a comment or send an email to and indicate which DVD or DVDs you’d like to enter to win. I’ll draw the winners’ names on Saturday (April 2).
And before you go, if you’re interested in trying Weight Watchers Yogurt, go to my recent review and click on the link for a $1 off coupon!
Again, thanks so much for reading. I wish I had DVDs for everyone!