Yesterday the g-babies were here, which meant, as always, I had to Luca-proof the house. The little man is small but quick. He can take down my oil lamps, candles, books and photos faster than I can tell him “no,” ergo, they all get put up. WAY up. Then when he leaves, I put it all back to normal.
The thing is, as I discovered while putting things back in their place last evening, normal isn’t always best.
Take my metal candle holder. This is where I always had it, on my cedar chest in front of the window and amongst a whole lot of other things.
Here’s where I “hide” it from Luca, on the dining room table.
I really love this candle holder, but it gets lost on the cedar chest. It’s much more impressive on the table. I would never have thought about this until I paid attention to where I hid it from Luca.
I did the same thing with weight loss over and over again. I’d move things around (so to speak), lose some weight, and then when I was done, put everything – attitude, food, ego – back to “normal.” Yeah. That worked out REAL well. I was always lost among the clutter, always losing for the wrong reasons and gaining it all back.
I never thought about that clutter until I paid attention to what I really wanted for myself: to be as healthy as I could be. I’m finding this same concept applies to all aspects of my life: writing, my knees, the places I want to go, the people I want to meet. I have to be willing to see the clutter in order to change or grow or succeed, to shine in the place that’s best, not the place I always thought of as normal.
Now seems the perfect time to give away another one of the tools in my arsenal: “Does This Clutter Make My Butt Look Fat?” by Peter Walsh (Oprah’s organizational guru and consultant on TLC’s “Clean Sweep”). As with all my giveaways, all I ask in return is that you pass it on when you’re done, or if you can’t part with it, donate an item or two to your local food shelf.
All you have to do to throw your name in the hat is post a comment or send an email to And if you feel like it, share the ways in which you are or want to “Luca-proof” your life. I'll draw a winner on Sunday morning (May 23).
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