program diet sehat weight loss factore: It’s The Not Knowing

Rabu, 07 Juli 2010

It’s The Not Knowing

I’m up a little early, nervously anticipating my first physical therapy session later this morning.

“You’ll want to take your paid meds before she arrives,” warned my in-home nurse last week.


It’s the not knowing that gets most of us at some point in our lives. A new job, losing a job, getting married, getting divorced, having a baby, sending that baby off to college, surgery, getting old. What will it feel like? How will we handle it? The answer is, we don’t know, we CAN’T know – even after hearing from or reading about people who’ve been there and done that – how it will be until it is.

I get a lot of email from people asking me what their lives will be like after losing more than 100 pounds. What will their skin look like? Will people recognize them? Will they be able to maintain? All I can say is, “Try it and see.”

Rather than worry about skin or life at goal, see what happens – one, two, five pounds at a time – to your energy level. See what happens to your cholesterol and blood pressure. See what happens to your joints. See what happens in these smaller increments of weight loss to the way you feel about yourself.

You gotta do the trying before you do the seeing.

And on this particular day in my life, I’m trying physical therapy.

While I’m not approaching it in the same way I approached weight loss (I didn’t lose my appetite, sleep or tips of my nails before starting my weight loss journey), they are similar in many ways. Namely, I know it will be difficult and I know it’s totally up to me how successful I am. I also promised myself, as I did before I lost my first pound, to give it everything I’ve got. No excuses.

Still, it’s the not knowing that gets me every time. To help ebb that tide of worry a little, I’m lying in bed and writing this blog and preparing my mind for the trying. I’m listening to the birds at the feeder, feeling the air from the window fan blow across my feet, and assuring myself that in a few hours I’ll know.

And I can handle anything once I know what I’m facing.

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